new semester had started....means lots of thing to do...hurmm...taking lots of subject oso this semester...coz have to repeat paperla...hukhuk...so sad...and i'm started to feel the pressure right now...99.9% of subject i've taken this semester...i have to memorize...waaaa.... saye xske mnghafal...saye sgt lemah dlm menghafal...hukhuk...(jgn emo2 la kt cni cik fitriah oii...t org pon meluat)
hurm..nsib baik la kata ati ni ingatkan diri ni yg telah jauh dr kebenaran...
hurm pe benda la aku merepek ni...ish2 da btul ke..huhu...
oklah mcm ni cte die...sebenarnye saye dgn official nye mengumumkan saye kena repeat paper...huhu...tu pon nak heboh2 kt org kan...kalau owg len tobat xgtau nye sbb malu...haha..bkn bererti saye ni xmalu..cume nak ingatkan diri ni je...blajar la rajin2 cik fitriah oi!
da tau da mcm ne rase nk kejar jadual kan..susah kn...clash sne sni...kena pandai2 adjust sniri...
owg lain abs kelas awl kte still de kelas g...blaja rajin2 jgan main2 lagi da....kalau x next sem rs la lgi macam ni haa...
chaiyok fitriah....u can do it...nothing imposible in this world...u can if u try...no harm trying my dear...wink..wink...i'm still waiting for my ideal man...cik hamima i believe out there still has a man like ked flop...huhu cume xtau kt mn je...saya nak tunggu ked flop saya..hehe...someone that will be with me come hell or high water...i wish i could give my hand to this guy..hoping i found him someday...♥♥♥
hurm pe benda la aku merepek ni...ish2 da btul ke..huhu...
oklah mcm ni cte die...sebenarnye saye dgn official nye mengumumkan saye kena repeat paper...huhu...tu pon nak heboh2 kt org kan...kalau owg len tobat xgtau nye sbb malu...haha..bkn bererti saye ni xmalu..cume nak ingatkan diri ni je...blajar la rajin2 cik fitriah oi!
da tau da mcm ne rase nk kejar jadual kan..susah kn...clash sne sni...kena pandai2 adjust sniri...
owg lain abs kelas awl kte still de kelas g...blaja rajin2 jgan main2 lagi da....kalau x next sem rs la lgi macam ni haa...
chaiyok fitriah....u can do it...nothing imposible in this world...u can if u try...no harm trying my dear...wink..wink...i'm still waiting for my ideal man...cik hamima i believe out there still has a man like ked flop...huhu cume xtau kt mn je...saya nak tunggu ked flop saya..hehe...someone that will be with me come hell or high water...i wish i could give my hand to this guy..hoping i found him someday...♥♥♥
dont worry ktrg kt sni pn sume kna repeat paper..hahaha..mne sempt oke..klo dh 12 subjects nk blja..mau mati..chaiyokkk dear!! ^^
tq cik alin..shayang kamo...*hug n kisses*♥♥♥
saya da jumpe ked flop saya da...he will be with me comes hell or high water..and i love u for that =)
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