takde mood nak update kenapa entah..huhu..
maybe sebab life bile da bekerja ni lain kot...agaknye la..hehe
okeh nak share what i've been doing masa intern ni...
awal2 masuk not much to do except reading the company's IMS
yang berlambak2 n tebal gile...ish2..mengantuk kot...
~some of the company's dcment that i need to read~

~some of the chocolate made here~
yummy (^_^)
~mmg pasni gemukla makan cukulat slalu~
~ceh konon macam rajin je..hehe..ni tengah ke in data untuk traceability ni~
oKeh tHats aLL foR noW...nnT i rajin I add laGi ye..hee..(^_^)
Wah,sedapnya Coklat !!
(^_^) mmg sgt sedap tau..hee
Amik skit lpas tu jual kat luar dengan harga durian runtuh,tapi tukar skit jgan wat durian runtuh tapi coklat runtuh..haha
hehe..nnt kne tangkap susah la...
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