i'm letting him go...no use to persuade him to stay..
his heart is not with me anymore...i'm sad..i'm hurt..
loving someone does not means you have to have him..
its true..i don't hate him..i'm not mad...
but i'm still hurt...no use to cry..but still i cry..
giving up is not my way..life must go on..
i'm not going to give up...but still i'll pray for his happiness...
i'd forgive him for all things that he had done to me..
no use to hate him...no use to be mad at him..
i'll always being hurt by people..but i believe in HIM...
there's must be a reason for what i've gone through...
~live well or live hell~you choose~
...hlovate...rooftop rank...
jgnlah sedih2...
hans: ak okla..cuma nk meluahkan prasaan ak ni ja..
hye, saye pon br kehilangan ssorg..it's really hurt..i dun noe how romantic love story can ends this way..pujuk hati spy tidak menangis tp air mata keluar juga...
apepon melepaskan die pergi itulah yg termampu...huhu
atikah:btul tu itu je yg mampu kta buat kan..mmg sedih smpai skng pn still nangis tp pa yg kta blh wat kan...
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