Thursday, May 7, 2009


at last i've finally finished my exam...hee..

although it's not good..meaning i'm not doing so well this semester...
all of the papaer dat i've taken..well i can say damn suck...(sory for that harsh word)

thinking of i might be repeating those papers again next does give me a nightmare...
arrrghhhh......i'm not so into in memorizing...but those paper do require a lots of memorizing...
haishh...what can i do more...just praying hoping i'm going to pass those papers....

i'm home for a while....but then have to go back for my 'kursus' thing for a week....
i really do wish i can celebrate my bday with my 'B' but seems to be not going to happen since my 'kursus' finished at 17th may..yup on my bday frustating.....da la nak jmpe sesekali tu ssh gle....hurmm....:'( (my 'B' mmg ssh gle nak cuti dat's y ssh sgt nak jmpe die...ble die cuti i xdpt lak jmpe die...hukhuk...)



Alyn said...


jgn giv up k!!

things will get better,,:)
so have faith in Him! *hugs*

Anonymous said...

sape 'B' tu???
nk tawu~ nk tawu!!

Anonymous said...

sape 'B' tu??
nk tawu~~ nk tawu!!

Sitie BUm BUm said...

camat bercuti!!

hans said...

cuti lah sepuas2nya...huhuhu

~batrish♥~ said...

alin:thanx alin..i do have faith in HIM...

cik dina: 'B' stand for baby..hehe..nak tau msgla fit eh...

[S}itie: thanx..camat bercuti gak...

hans: bestnya cuti..hg xcuti ka wei...